- Student:
- "Tommy is a masterful teacher. He combines a gentle sense of humor with formidable knowledge of his subject.
Classes, Forums and Trainings
- Weekly
- Forums are donations based...Thanks so much!
- Community Herbal Forum
- All are welcome!
- Meeting every Friday @ 10:30-11:30
- Bring your Herbal sharings and stories and questions
- Register in advance for this meeting:
- Click here to register and join the group
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Conscious Health Choices Forum
- All are welcome!
- Meeting every Friday @ 11:45-12:45
- Community gathering to share in dialog regaurding each
- persons soverign right to choose how to treat and heal their
- body, mind and Spirit.
- Register in advance for this meeting:
- Click to register and join the group
- Monthly Evening Classes
- HMI Healing Group
- All are welcome!
- 4th Thursday of every Month 6:30pm-9:30pm
- Location: 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln MA
- Shamanic Plant Journey Class
- 2nd Tuesday of every Month
- Location: 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln MA
- Trainings
- Lyme Practitioner Training
- 2025 Dates: To B Announced...
- Location: 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA
- Boston School of Herbal Studies
- First Level Apprenticeship
- 7 Month Program April through October
- Second Level Herbal Apprenticeship
- The Second Level Advanced Training Program
- involves Intensives with prominent visiting herbalists:
- www.bostonherbalstudies.com

- Metro West Boston, 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773