- Under every "Dis-ease" is an imbalance that has escalated into illness. Using these tools and the intake process, we can see what's underneath the issue and learn what's been driving the imbalances of most health issues.
- Tommy is especially known for working with:
- Digestive issues (IBS, colitis, constipation, parasites, etc.)
- Anxiety & depression
- Insomnia
- Addictions
- Liver & hormonal issues
- Leaky Gut syndrome
- Candida
- Headaches & Migraines
- Lyme disease & co-infections
- Immune & Auto-Immune issues
- Dental issues
- MS symptoms
- Trauma of all kinds
- And much more...
- Tommy works with any issue that a client may present by finding, examining and disengaging the underlying causative issues, while holistically nourishing the whole being back to optimal health.
- Bear Medicine Holistic Services main focus is on client empowerment. We believe that the client must be given the proper knowledge, information and personal tools as well as to be guided in how to use them. Education is power, the power to heal, evolve and transform one's life!
- We go to the depths of the issue and beyond to discover the root cause of our clients' imbalances. We use the many tools we have to empower true healing, from the inside out. "One must truly understand the issue to enable transformation and healing".
- These are some of the powerful tools we use:

- Metro West Boston, 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773
Is dedicated to reclaiming natural health through the mindful use of:
- Medicinal Herbs/Plants
- Clinical Herbalism
- Holistic Nutrition
- Flower Essences
- Specialized Supplements
- Aromatherapy
- Heart Mind Integration Healing
- Shamanic Healing
- Bear Medicine Holistic Services is Tommy Priester's way of sharing the outcome of over 24 years of shamanic, holistic and herbal healing experiences and studies with the world.